The founder of One Love family, Satguru Maharaj Ji on Thursday urged former Vice President, Alhaji Abubakar Atiku to submit himself to security checks and scrutiny in the United States of America (USA) before the February 16th presidential election.
Maharaj Ji while addressing journalists at a press conference in his Maharaj Ji village in Ibadan, the Oyo state capital, said that the need for the PDP presidential candidate to go to the USA and clear his name was necessary in order to rest all allegations leveled against Atiku that he can no longer go to the United States.
The spiritual head of One Love Family, while revealing his vision for the general elections, message for Nigeria, Africa and its leaders in 2019, insisted that “in a normal atmosphere, Atiku should not be allowed to contest the election if he fails to clear his name”.
He said, “How can you allow somebody who is being alleged that he cannot go to the USA be allowed to contest the Presidential election? ”
Maharaj Ji advised Atiku to go to the USA and clear him name without wasting more time, saying going there will put to rest, the insinuation that he has skeleton in his cupboard.
He said, “Let him go there and clear his name. Some people are talking about Atiku, they are saying this and that about Atiku, so let us be sincere, let him go there and clear his name.
“You journalists should go and investigate. Let him go and surrender himself. Let Atiku do the same thing like others. Let him go there and surrender himself in USA.
“Let him surrender himself for security checks and scrutiny in the USA before the Presidential election.
“This is the thing, people cannot go out in the night. They just killed Badeh, they just burnt rice farm of Benue state governor. This is the time to put religion aside. Anyone who is involved should be arrested. They must arrest their leaders.
“NPA, NITEL are sold off. Who sold them? This are the questions you journalists should ask. They are buying houses in Dubai, look at them, all of them that are stealing, they are going one by one except there is no God.
“Now if you go to embassies, you will see many Nigerians going abroad. You will see many people going abroad, let Atiku go and clear his name first.”