The nationwide strike embarked upon by resident doctors has paralysed activities at the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH) in Shika and Tudun-Wada, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.
A NAN correspondent who visited the hospitals on Wednesday reports that the facilities were virtually empty, while new patients with various ailments were being turned back.
However, patients already on admission and those in critical conditions are still being attended to by consultants and House Officers. Relations of some of the patients who were turned back said the situation was unfortunate and regrettable.
One of them, Malam Musa Ahmed, who took his sister to ABUTH in Tudun-Wada, said he was highly disturbed by the development.
“I was highly disturbed on reaching here only to discover that doctors are on strike and nobody to attend to us.
“My sister was down with feverish conditions and needs medical attention, we have no option now than to seek an alternative means for possible cure,” he said. Ahmed appealed to the doctors and Federal Government to go back to negotiating table for dialogue.
Also, Malam Ibrahim Mohammed told NAN that he had no alternative than to his brother to a private clinic for quick medical attention.
He appealed to the doctors not to prioritise money at the expense of human health, “instead they should be mindful of the fact that human life is greater than monetary demands.”
When contacted, the Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Prof. Lawal Khalid said the management had made arrangement for Consultants and House Officers to provide skeletal services to cushion the effect of the strike.
“Our accident and emergency unit is functional to take care of emergency cases and some consultants and house officers are also engaged in the provision of skeletal services to our patients.
“Even today our clinic has provided services and it will continue, because we will not allow things to be completely paralysed,” he assured.