There was panic on Sunday at the oil-rich Odimodi community, Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State, as thugs belonging to a group, attacked and destroyed property belonging to another group following alleged leadership crisis.
According to recent reports, some disowned leaders of the community in annoyance have continued to mobilize thugs to intimidate their identified opponents.
One of the villagers said, “The community has disowned them, even if they bring all the militants in the world to kill us, we will not accept their leadership; the state government should intervene.”
“We are calling on the state government to mobilize soldiers to counter the thugs, as naval personnel that were contacted refused to intervene,” he added.
Reports also revealed that many of the villagers scurried into the bush, while the traditional head of the community allegedly went into hiding following threat to his life.
Mr Eric Omare, Special Assistant, Youth and Community Development to the Delta State Governor, speaking on the incident, condemned the idea of thugs wrecking several houses in the town and the unnecessary destruction of property.
He said, “War is not a solution to the internal leadership crisis and they should give opportunity for the issues to be resolved.”
Eric, however, called on the combatant factions to sheathe their swords and give peace a chance.