Nigeria has overtaken India as the country with the largest number of people living in extreme poverty, according to a new report by the World Poverty Clock.
The report says extreme poverty in Nigeria is growing by six people every minute, the highest number in the world.
At the end of May 2018, the survey showed that Nigeria had an estimated 87 million people in extreme poverty, compared to India’s 73 million.
The report further stated that the Democratic Republic of Congo, may soon overtake India as number two.
In the list of top 10 extremely poor countries, Nigeria leads with 86.9 million people and is closely followed by D.R Congo with 60.9 million people.
Ethiopia is next with 23.9 million people, followed by Tanzania with 19.9 million.
Mozambique comes next with 17.8 million while Kenya has 14.7 million people living in extreme poverty.
The least four are Uganda, South Africa, South Sudan and Zambia with 14.2, 13.8, 11.4 and 9.5 respectively.