The police on Friday arraigned a businessman, Henry Emasoga, before a Wuse Zone 6 Chief Magistrates’ Court, Abuja, for allegedly defrauding a Star Times TV Network dealer of N11.1 million.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Emasoga of Global Concept Ltd., is charged with two counts of cheating and criminal breach of trust.
The Prosecution Counsel, Samuel Mallam told the court that the defendant committed the offence in July 2018.
Mallam said that Emasoga allegedly under false pretence collected 170 HD television sets from one M.D. Luke, who is the dealer.
He said the defendant issued the complainant two FCMB post-dated cheques for N448,220 for August and N6.672 million for Sept. 2018.
Mallam alleged that the complainant presented the cheques for payment, but it was not honoured as the defendant did not have such amount in the account.
He alleged that the defendant, however, refused to pay for the television sets or return them.
Mallam said the offence contravened provisions of sections 312 and 324 of the Penal Code.
The defendant pleaded not guilty as his counsel, Olatunde Ojaomo, made an oral application for his bail.
The Magistrate, Njideka Nwosu-Iheme, admitted him to bail in the sum of N50,000 with two sureties in like sum and adjourned the case until July 17 for hearing.