The Kano state government on Monday disclosed that the viral images of underage persons reportedly voting during the Kano local government polls, was recorded during the March 30, 2015 general elections conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.
The March 30, 2015 general election held across the country for the offices of the president and National Assembly members.
In the aftermath of the public outcry that greeted the footage, INEC had quickly absolved itself saying its voters’ register which should have been used for the Kano polls did not contain underage voters. It went on to set up a committee to investigate the issue of underage registration and voting in Kano state.
Differing with INEC, the Commissioner of Information in Kano, Muhammad Garba said the exercise depicting the illegality was never conducted by the state electoral body, KANSIEC.
According to him, “What you have seen in the video clip showing underage kids voting, did not happen now. It was recorded during the last 30 March 2015 elections”.
Garba, who was furious about the clips, said Monday that some “mischievous persons were behind the spreading of the clips but were missing out in the whole game because what was therein the video happened in 2015.”