The European Union, on Wednesday warned the United States against potential moves that would impact European interests in Cuba.
U.S. media reported earlier that the Trump administration might later on Wednesday reverse waivers which had previously been in place to protect foreign companies from lawsuits in the U.S. for their dealings with Cuba.
There have been years of waivers for a provision in a 1996 domestic law of the U.S., known as the Helms-Burton Act, that safeguarded foreign companies from U.S. lawsuits.
However, the Trump administration will reportedly do away with the waivers, potentially opening foreign businesses including those from Europe to lawsuits.
A spokesman for the European Commission told a briefing in Brussels that “the European Union reiterates its strong opposition to the extraterritorial application of unilateral restrictive measures which it considers contrary to international law.’’
“The EU is ready to protect European interests including European investments and the economic activities of EU individual and entities in their relations with Cuba,’’ he added.