Nigerians on social media have reacted after the sum of £211,000,000 that belonged to a former Nigeria Head of State, General Sani Abacha, was seized from a Jersey bank account.
DAILY POST had reported on Tuesday that Abacha laundered money through the US into the Channel Islands.
The money was put in accounts held in Jersey by Doraville Properties Corporation, a British Virgin Islands company and is now being held by the government until authorities in Jersey, the US and Nigeria come to an agreement on how it should be distributed.
“In restraining the funds at the request of the United States of America, through whose banking system the funds were laundered prior to arriving here, and in achieving the payment of the bulk of the funds into the Civil Asset Recovery Fund, Jersey has once again demonstrated its commitment to tackling international financial crime and money laundering,” Attorney General Robert MacRae said.
These developments generated some comments on Twitter, and the reactions are presented by DAILY POST below:
@BBoason, “Abacha is Nigeria’s arguably most prolific sovereign wealth fund reserves manager. With very uncommon foresight, he helped the country squirrel away millions of different currencies now useful for these hard times. Can we declare a national #AbachaDay? Abacha actually did more with little. With low crude oil prices, he helped Nigeria keep record millions abroad in secret accounts. I challenge any of his predecessors to match his record. It was Traders’ money initially, wasn’t it?
@enonnyok, “No wonder the family is not talking. Nigerian government left all that for them to enjoy. Shame to Nigerian government.”
@NekkaSmith, “Abacha a man without stain in the eyes of Buhari”.
@Usihol, “This is just a tip of an ice berg. Abacha loot everyday for more than 15 years now. The money is there. After all, Abacha wife ones busted that they will never be poor like Dangote, Africa richest man. Can you imagine? They have finished our beloved country Nigeria.”
@Mefoh, “Best President ever. Had greatest economic achievements in Nigeria. Stole the funds unheard of. All these with Crude oil at $15 per barrel.”
@Wyzeman789, “When will this Abacha’s looted fund be fully recovered?
@obichiechuks, “It’s mind blowing that we are still recovering monies linked to the late Nigerian head of State many years after his death. One wonders what Nigeria could have become had the monies been wisely spent.”
@abulude, “Was he the same General Abacha @MBuhari once praised?
@SOluwamola, “If this so much amount could be traced to late Abacha, EFCC is owing Nigeria serious explanation on the wealth of the living past leaders.”
@ugonwafor, “Can someone tell me please, if Abacha ‘stole’ all these with crude at $15/barrel then, what did successive Nigerian governments with their fronts and cronies steal?