Sen. Bukola Saraki
As we enter 2015, I wish Nigerians all around the world a Happy New Year. I thank the Almighty for guiding and sustaining our collective journey thus far, and for keeping us ever-strong and focused as a nation of diverse ethnicities, but united hearts.
No doubt, 2014 has been a year of heightened activity in the individual, social, economic and political lives of Nigerians. We have witnessed our nation struggle through tough times due to our security challenges; in our homes we have struggled through the economic realities that have become so pervasive; in the media we have seen our great nation be skewered internationally for the failed policies of this current administration… Yet, despite all of this, my fellow Nigerians, you must know: with your help, things are about to get better.
As we come into 2015, we come into a year of endless possibilities. We must view the faults of the past as foregone days of lessons that we have learned from, and see the future as a chance to attain greatness.
In this new year, we must set ourselves to the task of moving forward with the goal of creating a New Nigeria that our sons and daughters can be proud of; a Nigeria that works for the betterment of the many, as opposed to working for the greed and excesses of the few.
We must see this new year as a new opportunity to redefine our collective bond as a nation, and work to elect leaders that will serve the people, listen to the people, and most importantly, fight for and on behalf of the people.
As we celebrate this new year, we must also remember our service men and women on the frontlines who fight for us; who fight to keep us all safe. We must remember our internally displaced countrymen and women, who have had to flee their homes in search of security that could not be found at home. We must also remember all those abducted by insurgents this year, and all those who are still prisoners under occupied Nigerian territories in the North East.
As we remember all these things, we must know that at the end of the day, in this new year we have in us an unprecedented opportunity to alter the course of this nation. We must see the 2015 elections as a turning point, and see ourselves as history-makers and change agents as we work to bring about a New Nigeria for all Nigerians.
Once again, Happy New Year!
Senator Abubakar Bukola Saraki Www.abubakarbukolasaraki.com