The police on Thursday arraigned a 30-year-old man, Lawal Tobi, in an Ikorodu Magistrates’ Court in Lagos for allegedly stabbing one Abayomi Cephas with a broken bottle.
The News Agency of Nigeria reports that Lawal, whose address was not provided, is facing a two-count charge of assault and malicious damage, to which he pleaded not guilty.
The police prosecutor, Sgt. Mary Ajiteru, told the court that the defendant committed the offence on April 1, at 8:30 pm at No. 5 Holy Cross Street, Irawo bus-stop, in Ikorodu.
Ajiteru alleged that the defendant unlawfully stabbed Cephas with a broken bottle on his head which resulted to injury.
She said that the defendant also damaged a set of glass cups valued at N2,000, cell phone valued at N12,000 being the property of Cephas.
According to the prosecutor, the offence contravenes the provisions of Section 173 and 339 of Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015 (Revised).
The Magistrate, Olatunji Dawodu, admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties in like sum and adjourned the case until May 16 for mention.
The Magistrate added that the sureties must be gainfully employed and tax payers, and that their residential addresses must be verified by the court.